Researcher biography

Professor Roslyn Boyd is a Chief Investigator and Director of the CRE, QLD Lead, Chair of the Clinical Trials theme and a member of the Early Detection and Neuroimaging theme.

Professor Boyd is Scientific Director of the QCPRRC, an internationally recognised team of researchers conducting clinical trials of novel interventions geared to optimising neuroplasticity, early detection of cerebral palsy, longitudinal comprehensive outcomes linked to brain structure and function. She leads a team of 38 researchers, including 6 NHMRC post docs, 10 PhDs and has conducted 17 RCTs in CP and infants born preterm. She has been an invited participant for 3 international summits on Management of CP in high and low resource countries (2013); Early Detection and Early Intervention (2014, 2015) and Management of Neonatal Stroke (2016). She has received >$36M in grants including 13 NHMRC, 1ARC, 1 NIH. She has had continuous NHMRC people support, being a Research Fellow (2016-2021) and previous QLD Smart State Fellow. She and her research team have been awarded the most prestigious international prize for CP Research the Gayle Arnold Award on 3 occasions (2010, 2011 and 2014).

Professor Boyd has a strong track record in efficacy of rehabilitation, RCTs of early intervention and the examination of brain structure and function in children with cerebral palsy and infants born preterm. Her research program focuses on understanding the relationship between brain structure and function in children with cerebral lesions associated with cerebral palsy (CP) and whether functional plasticity can be achieved with novel rehabilitation approaches.

Professor Boyd is recognised as an international expert in rehabilitation to optimise neuroplasticity, leading large randomised clinical trials (17 RCTs, 7 funded by NHMRC); for longitudinal outcomes of population cohorts combining measures of brain structure and multi-modal outcomes, (2 NHMRC and one NIH). She has achieved 13 NHMRC projects (4 as CIA, 6 as CIB, 2 as CIC, 1 as CID).

She has been a keynote speaker 45+ times at major international meetings including: European Academy of Childhood Disability (2006, 2008, 2013, 2014, 2015). She has been recognised internationally as chair of the scientific panel of the 3rd International Cerebral Palsy Conference in Sydney (February 2009, 1200 delegates) and continued as a member of the Scientific Board for 4th ICP (2012) and 5th in Stockholm (2016). Recently she was one of two Australians invited to an international think tank on Global Management of CP in high and low resource countries (2013).


Featured projects Duration
Early Moves (sub –study of Origins Cohort)
National Health and Medical Research Council
LEAP Prospective Cohort study: Early detection of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander infants at high risk of adverse motor and cognitive outcomes at 12 months CA
Non-invasive movement sensing for early identification of NDD
EARLY PACT: Parenting Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: RCT of a web-based intervention for parents of infants diagnosed early with CP
SuPreme: Neuroprotective role of sulphate among preterm babies
National Health and Medical Research Council
VISIBLE: Randomised trial Early Intervention for Seeing Impaired babies
National Health and Medical Research Council
LEAP-Indigenous Trial: Learning through Everyday Activities with Parents for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander infants at risk of adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes
National Health and Medical Research Council
GAME: Harnessing Neuroplasticity RCT Goal-directed Motor Enrichment for infant CP
HABIT-ILE: RCT of Hand Arm Bimanual Intensive Training Including Lower Extremity training for children with bilateral CP
National Health and Medical Research Council
Randomised controlled trial of Hand Arm Bimanual Intensive Training including Lower Extremity Training (HABIT-ILE) for children with bimanual cerebral palsy.
Preschool HABIT-ILE: RCT for 2-to-5 year old children with bilateral CP
Participate-CP: Optimising participation in physically active leisure for children with cerebral palsy: A randomised controlled trial
National Health and Medical Research Council
Liberty Trial: Pre-post trial of Closed Loop direct spinal cord stimulation to reduce spasticity and improve function in children with CP
Very early detection & intervention for infants at risk of cerebral palsy
ACTIVE STRIDES CP: RCT of Intensive Rehabilitation (Combined Intensive Gait & Cycling Training) for children with moderate to severe CP
LEAP-CP Learning through everyday activities for children with CP through Parent to Parent Training
Comprehensive surveillance to PREDICT outcomes for children with CP
National Health and Medical Research Council
Neuroimaging projects with QCPRRC and the Australian e-Health Research Centre (CSIRO)
IMAGINE CP: Imaging & Genomics of children with CP
EARLY PACT: Parenting acceptance and commitment therapy: a trial of an innovative web-based intervention for parents of infants diagnosed as at risk of cerebral palsy
The Early Natural History of CP
National Health and Medical Research Council
CP Muscle Research: Quantifying the effect of intramuscular Botulinum toxin A on calf muscle spasticity, structure and function in children with CP
KITE CP Knowledge Translation of implementation of Early detection of CP
National Health and Medical Research Council
CP muscle research: Quantifying the effect of FAST training on calf muscle spasticity, structure and function in children with cerebral palsy
Implementation of an International Functional Therapy Clinical Practice Guideline
NEBO: Neonatal Encephalopathy Brain Outcomes
TRANSMIT Study: Multifaceted knowledge TRANSlation iMproving function in CP
National Health and Medical Research Council