
The AusCP-CTN will conduct a set of targeted multisite, RCTs and translational studies to create new evidence that will underpin enhanced clinical practice.

The AusCP-CTN CRE will translate new knowledge of effective interventions through a Clinical Care network of medical and allied health clinicians, researchers, patients with CP and their families across five state-wide rehabilitation services.

The AusCP-CTN CRE network will develop: (i) AGREE II compliant Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG): summarising the evidence and making recommendations for practice; (ii) web-based evidence driven decision making tools to assist clinicians with uptake; with integration in (iii) CP Care pathways across the 5 state-wide networks of clinical services, providing rapid ‘evidence to the desk’ summaries using infographics and latest knowledge translation techniques.

Knowledge translation will be facilitated nationally across the five state-wide Paediatric Rehabilitation programs for children/youth with CP and their families lead by senior clinicians in QLD (Edwards, Kentish, Copeland); NSW (Waugh); SA (AI Russo, Rice); WA (Valentine); Victoria (CI Fahey, Rawicki) and NZ (CI Stott). These clinical leaders are all members of the Australasian Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine Training Committee including AI Russo as the chair. This committee develops the curriculum, monitors trainee progress including a formal EBP program. As members of the training committee they will disseminate results from the CRE to facilitate translation. This will provide a system for implementing research and developing new Clinical Practice Guidelines.

The AusCP-CTN will provide opportunity for clinicians to be trained in the early detection of CP through annual training courses on General Movements Assessment by accredited trainers from our international review panel, AI Guzzetta and Prof. Giovanni Cioni. To date 8 basic courses (>310 participants) and 4 advanced courses (65 participants) have been conducted. These will continue each year and rotate around Australia to ensure access to training on early detection of CP for all Medical, Allied Health clinicians and trainees in the field of Cerebral Palsy across Australasia. See our Education section for more details.


Join our clinician network by completing the web form here.