VISIBLE: Randomised trial Early Intervention for Seeing Impaired babies

Chief Investigators: Guzzetta, Boyd, Salt, Phillip, Gole, Novak, Morgan. CPA (2019-2021) $173k.

Aims: First RCT of early intervention to test efficacy of vision ability, cognition and neurodevelopment and brain (re)organisation in infants with Cerebral Visual Impairment (CVI) and high risk of CP.

Mechanism: Activity-dependent plasticity & environmental enrichment.

New Knowledge: First RCT of early intervention to optimise neuroplasticity and vision awareness in CVI and CP infants.

Project members

Professor Andrea Guzzetta

University of Pisa, Stella Maris Infant Lab for Early Intervention

Professor Roslyn Boyd

Scientific Director, Queensland Cerebral Palsy and Rehabilitation Research Centre
Child Health Research Centre, The University of Queensland

Professor Iona Novak

Head of Research, Cerebral Palsy Alliance Research Institute
School of Medicine, The University of Sydney

Dr Cathy Morgan

Research Fellow
Cerebral Palsy Alliance Research Institute