Researcher biography

Professor Novak is a Chief Investigator on the CRE, NSW Co-Lead, Chair of the Knowledge Translation and Implementation theme, member of the Pre-Clinical and Neuroprotection and Clinical Trials themes and Chair of the Australian CP Register.

Professor Novak manages the strategic development of research into the prevention and cure of cerebral palsy and supports the Australian Cerebral Palsy Register.

Professor Novak conducts clinical research into effective interventions for people living with cerebral palsy, including evidence-based practice initiatives and collaborative international and inter-agency research work.

As a Fulbright Scholar in 2013, Professor Novak travelled to the University of California, San Francisco, for four months to establish and lead an Australian-American cerebral palsy research consortium, to aggregate data and accelerate the rate of research. Professor Novak continues this research to translate the findings to direct improvements in clinical services.

Professor Novak has extensive clinical experience as an Occupational Therapist and holds: a Bachelor of Applied Science (Occupational Therapy) from the University of Sydney; a Master of Science (Hons) and a PhD from the University of Western Sydney. She has won awards and prizes including a PhD Presentation Award from UWS and has been an Allied Health representative on the Premier’s Spinal Forum Fellowship Program.

View Professor Novak's Full Research Profile

View Professor Novak's publications

Featured projects Duration
VISIBLE: Randomised trial Early Intervention for Seeing Impaired babies
LEAP-Indigenous Trial: Learning through Everyday Activities with Parents for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander infants at risk of adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes
National Health and Medical Research Council
HABIT-ILE: RCT of Hand Arm Bimanual Intensive Training Including Lower Extremity training for children with bilateral CP
National Health and Medical Research Council
Preschool HABIT-ILE: RCT for 2-to-5 year old children with bilateral CP
Liberty Trial: Pre-post trial of Closed Loop direct spinal cord stimulation to reduce spasticity and improve function in children with CP
ACTIVE STRIDES CP: RCT of Intensive Rehabilitation (Combined Intensive Gait & Cycling Training) for children with moderate to severe CP
The Early Natural History of CP
National Health and Medical Research Council
National Health and Medical Research Council
KITE CP Knowledge Translation of implementation of Early detection of CP
National Health and Medical Research Council
GAME: Harnessing Neuroplasticity RCT Goal-directed Motor Enrichment for infant CP
Implementation of an International Functional Therapy Clinical Practice Guideline
Randomised controlled trial of Hand Arm Bimanual Intensive Training including Lower Extremity Training (HABIT-ILE) for children with bimanual cerebral palsy.
TRANSMIT Study: Multifaceted knowledge TRANSlation iMproving function in CP
National Health and Medical Research Council
Participate-CP: Optimising participation in physically active leisure for children with cerebral palsy: A randomised controlled trial
National Health and Medical Research Council
Application of MOS in infants who have congenital anomalies requiring surgery
SCUBI Trial - Phase 1 Safety trial of sibling-matched UCB for cerebral palsy
CORD-SAFE: Autologous umbilical cord blood derived cells in EPT infants
Using genomics to define the response to stem cell therapy
RCT of Erythropoietin (EPO) for CP
National Health and Medical Research Council