Preschool HABIT-ILE: RCT for 2-to-5 year old children with bilateral CP

Chief Investigators: Sakzewski, Reedman, Boyd, Bleyenheuft. Ramaciotti Health Investment Grant $150K (2019-2022).

Study Design: RCT. Efficacy of adapted preschool HABIT-ILE compared to CAU to improve gross and fine motor skills, self-care, individualised goals and QOL in n=60, 2-5 year old children with bilateral CP. 50 hours of therapy over 2 weeks, using small group intervention, evidence-based home programs and within trial cost utility analysis.

Progress: Commencing Dec, 2020.

Project members

A/Prof. Leanne Sakzewski

Senior Research Fellow
Child Health Research Centre, University of Queensland

Professor Catherine Elliott

Chair of Allied Health, Child and Adolescent Health Service, School of Occupational Therapy and Social Work
Curtin University

Professor Roslyn Boyd

Scientific Director, Queensland Cerebral Palsy and Rehabilitation Research Centre
Child Health Research Centre, The University of Queensland

Professor Iona Novak

Head of Research, Cerebral Palsy Alliance Research Institute
School of Medicine, The University of Sydney