Supervisory Team: Professor Stephen Rose, Professor Roslyn Boyd and Dr Jurgen Fripp

Co-Supervisor: Dr Kerstin Pannek at CSIRO (email

One exciting area of research currently underway at the QCPRRC is the use of advanced neuroimaging technology to measure brain injury and neuroplasticity in newborn babies at high risk of abnormal neurodevelopment and in children with cerebral palsy. Within the next 3 months there will be a new state-of-the-art Herston Imaging Research Facility (HIRF) located at Herston dedicated to clinical imaging research.

PhD Opportunities

  1. Integrating functional MRI (fMRI) with diffusion MRI and tractography to measure brain plasticity using advanced connectivity analyses in preterm and term-born babies, infants at risk and children with cerebral palsy.
  2. Develop a novel, automated brain classification program for cerebral palsy based on structural and connectivity MRI information.

Project members

Supervisory Team

Professor Stephen Rose

Senior Principal Research Scientist Leader; Probing Biosystems Future Science Platform
CSIRO, The University of Queensland

Professor Roslyn Boyd

Scientific Director, Queensland Cerebral Palsy and Rehabilitation Research Centre
Child Health Research Centre, The University of Queensland

Dr Jurgen Fripp

Senior Postdoctoral Fellow
