Professor Nadia Badawi

Researcher biography
Professor Nadia Badawi is a Chief Investigator on the CRE, NSW Co-Lead, and Co-Chair of the Pre-clinical and Neuroprotection Theme.
Professor Badawi AM, is a newborn intensive care specialist where she works with babies who have complex medical conditions, congenital heart disease and surgical conditions. Her research in newborn intensive care focusses on increasing survival of babies and improving their long term neurodevelopmental outcomes. She works closely with a team of doctors, nurses, allied health professionals and families to improve the experience of families and babies in hospital. She is an expert on newborn brain conditions and cerebral palsy and is the Macquarie Foundation Chair of Cerebral Palsy at the Cerebral Palsy Alliance Research Institute. In this role, Professor Badawi helps advocate for and set the agenda for research in cerebral palsy. Nadia is a Chief Investigator on two Centre of Research Excellence grants in cerebral palsy. She is a member of the steering group of IMPACT for CP (International Multidisciplinary Prevention and Cure Team for Cerebral Palsy), the Scientific Advisory Council of the Cerebral Palsy International Research Foundation, and has been a Co-Chair of five International Cerebral Palsy Prevention and Cure Summits. Professor Badawi co-established the International Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation in the USA, 2015, and continues to play an integral role in the Australian Cerebral Palsy Register Group; a National CP Register hosted by Cerebral Palsy Alliance. Professor Badawi was selected one of the ‘100 Australian Women of Influence’, and one of Australia’s most highly-respected researchers in the NHMRC publication "Working to build a Healthy Australia. Australian Research that's changing the world." The Newborn Encephalopathy study, her PhD project, is a landmark study and remains unique in the world literature with the results extensively cited. A joint publication on Neonatal Encephalopathy and Cerebral Palsy, from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and the American Academy of Pediatrics, cited her papers as the "best available evidence" on neonatal encephalopathy. Professor Badawi has given 81 international and national keynotes or conference chairs, and a further 157 international presentations, obtained research grants over $17M, philanthropic grants over $6M; published 141 peer reviewed journal articles, 76 peer-reviewed journal abstracts, 10 book chapters, and 74 reports and media interviews.
Featured projects | Duration |
SuPreme: Neuroprotective role of sulphate among preterm babies National Health and Medical Research Council |
REACH National Health and Medical Research Council |
Understanding the epidemiology of CP | |
Application of MOS in infants who have congenital anomalies requiring surgery | |
Early Moves (sub –study of Origins Cohort) National Health and Medical Research Council |
RCT of Erythropoietin (EPO) for CP National Health and Medical Research Council |
Liberty Trial: Pre-post trial of Closed Loop direct spinal cord stimulation to reduce spasticity and improve function in children with CP |