Dr Sarah McIntyre

Researcher biography
Dr Sarah McIntyre is an Associate Investigator on the CRE and a member of two themes: Pre-clinical and Neuroprotection, and Engagement & Health Policy.
Dr Sarah McIntyre has expertise in epidemiology, aetiology and translation research with 31 publications and more than $3M in funding. She plays a key role in the policy group of the Australian CP Register and leads the NSW/ACT Register. With her colleagues, she is developing the first international CP research network, IMPACT for CP, and will facilitate links with the CRE. She has been highly involved in international scientific conferences: 2016 Co-Chair, Scientific Committee AACPDM; 2013 Co-Chair Organising Committee for Neonatal Encephalopathy and Cerebral Palsy Summit, NIH; 2011 Co-Chair Organising Committee for Prevention and Cure of CP Summit; 2009 Co-Chair, International CP Conference, and Co-Chair first CP Register & Surveillance Congress. She has been a panel member to two international guidelines: Magnesium Sulphate for neuroprotection of the fetus and infant, and American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists’ Neonatal Encephalopathy and Neurologic Outcomes. AI McIntyre will be member of Knowledge Translation and Implementation theme and will facilitate links with the Consumer Council and IMPACT for CP. She will update consumer priorities and develop a knowledge translation tool for earlier identification of CP in low risk infants (50% all CP).
Featured projects | Duration |
SuPreme: Neuroprotective role of sulphate among preterm babies National Health and Medical Research Council |
Understanding the epidemiology of CP | |
The Friends Project: Efficacy of telehealth delivered social skills training for ABI/CP | |
Real World Outcomes of infants with CP: ACPR outcomes study |