Targeting the blood brain barrier (BBB) for the treatment of newborn brain injury

CIs: Bjorkman, Colditz; NHMRC1147545 $358k 2018-20; NHMRC1145450 $954k 2018-21; RCHF $240k 2017-20; RCHF $56k 2017-20

Aims: To examine therapies (ibuprofen, stem cells, curcumin) that target the BBB as a way to reduce or prevent neonatal brain injury due to prematurity, HIE, IUGR using MRI/MRS.

Mechanism: Anti-inflammatory & trophic.

New Knowledge: Pre-clinical study in piglets will test how to modulate the BBB to reduce injury and improve outcomes.

Project members

Professor Paul Colditz

Director of the Perinatal Research Centre
The University of Queensland Centre for Clinical Research