Professor Peter Davies is an Associate Investigator on the CRE and a member of the Clinical Trials theme.

Professor Peter Davies is Director of the Children's Nutrition Research group, at the Child Health Research Centre, University of Queensland. He has more than 400 publications in the field of growth, development and nutrition both in health and disease. He has been CIA or CIB on more than AUD$11.5M grant funding since 2000. He is a past member of the NHMRC Dietary Guidelines Committee and NHMRC Infant Feeding Committee and he is also a member of the Food Standards Australia and New Zealand's Infant and Young Child Scientific Advisory Group. He is a past President of Nutrition Australia and a past Honorary Secretary of the Nutrition Society of Australia. He has a strong track record of research higher degree supervision, being the principal supervisor of 17 graduated PhD students and the associate supervisor of a further 6 PhD students. In 2014 he was awarded the inaugural Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences award for excellence in research supervision. He will be a member of the CRE's Clinical Trials theme for Nutrition and Growth.