AusCP-CTN 'Hot Topics in CP Research' - Friday 8th March 2019
About AusCP-CTN: Hot Topics in CP Research (Rehab for Kids Conference 2019)
AusCP-CTN 'Hot Topics in CP Research' - Friday 8th March 2019
Stream 3 of 2019 Rehab for Kids Conference, Proudly presented by the Queensland Paediatric Rehabilitation Service, Queenslahd Children's Hospital
Pre-conference workshops: Wednesday 6 March 2019
Conference: Thursday 7 and Friday 8 March 2019
The Rehab for Kids conference is a national conference organised by the Queensland Paediatric Rehabilitation Service (QPRS), Queensland Children’s Hospital, to provide the latest information and research relevant to paediatric rehabilitation. Dedicated streams with a variety of presentation types, including key note addresses, short workshops and research papers, will provide you with opportunities to update knowledge and network with colleagues involved in the rehabilitation of children with brain injuries, cerebral palsy, spinal cord injury, limb difference, spina bifida and other low incidence conditions.
As research partners with QPRS, the Queensland Cerebral Palsy Rehabilitation & Research Centre (QCPRRC) and Australasian Cerebral Palsy Clinical Trials Network (AusCP-CTN) would like to present 'Hot Topics in CP Research' - showcasing advancement in research and technology for early detection and intervention of CP, for improved health in infants and children.
Who can benefit from attending?
- Health professionals
- Other professionals who work with children who have received rehabilitation
- Parents/carers of children who have received rehabilitation
- Students
- Researchers
Parents/carers of children who have received rehabilitation are invited to register and attend this conference. We value our parents and carers participation and would like to offer the opportunity to attend the conference at a reduced cost. Families are also invited to attend a parent/carer networking session at no cost.
Some conference content may be limited to health professionals where applicable.
Content and case studies presented at the conference is not intended to replace qualified medical or health related advice. If parents/carers have any concerns or questions arising from the conference in relation to the care for their child, these should be discussed with their QPRS health professional.
More information & Registration
For more information and registration about 2019 Rehab for Kids.
For questions about the AusCP-CTN 'Hot Topics in CP Research' (Stream 3 of 2019 Rehab for Kids Conference), please email us at